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Your Career Society

Master job search techniques and magnetize career opportunities with Michelle by your side...

This is the right place for you if...

  • You're feeling drained from the endless cycle of job searching, sending out countless resumes but not hearing back.

  • Despite your dedication and wealth of knowledge in your field, you're often bypassed when it comes to promotions or career advancements.

  • The idea of marketing yourself feels daunting or even awkward, and you struggle to confidently highlight your strengths.

  • You've recently made a bold move to change careers and need some guidance to smoothly transition into this unfamiliar landscape.

  • You're eager to magnetize opportunities that resonate deeply with your authentic self and are an ideal match for your unique talents and interests.

Ready to ditch the job search stress and step into career confidence?

Gain clarity, own your strengths, learn how to communicate your value and like a magnet, attract opportunities to you!

have we met yet?


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Before becoming a recruiter turned career strategist, I remember the job hunt being a wild,

emotional ride. Despite graduating with honours and having some related experience up my

sleeve, I was, shockingly, the last of my college cohort to snag a job. Why? I was

utterly clueless about my career path and how to sell my skills effectively.

Then, I landed a role in recruitment and got to study the world of hiring decisions. This sparked an urge in me to dive deeper into career development. The gems of wisdom I uncovered were so fundamental it left me wondering why this stuff wasn't part of our regular school curriculum!

So, in 2019, armed with a mission to make quality career services accessible, I launched my own business aimed at offering career support to women. My goal? To share all the insider secrets I had gathered and help women not just climb the career ladder but also find joy in their work.

Since then, I've been on a thrilling journey, empowering hundreds of women across Canada and beyond to boost their confidence, land awesome opportunities, and increase their earnings.



Magnetize Your Career Society

Check Circle

Learn Job

Search Skills

You will gain practical,

no-nonsense advice and tactics through workshops and coaching calls that streamline your job search and amplify your chances

of landing genuinely satisfying work.

Check Circle

Career Resource Library

Access a wealth of resources and tools right at your fingertips. With guides, templates, scripts and more, you'll save time in your job search and make a more significant impact.

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An exclusive invite to our Facebook community. Here, you'll connect with other ambitious women, share experiences, learn from each other, and build a network that will support you in your career growth.

The Magnetize Your Career Journey

We will zero in on 6 key areas to supercharge your career:

Discover the real YOU! (Self-Discovery)

Blueprint your Success (Career Visioning)

Establishing your career brand (Resumes, etc.)

Building your professional network

Nail the interview with confidence

The money talk: salary negotiations

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Investing in your career and

working with Michelle will be one of

the best things you ever do.

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Michelle is highly professional yet so empathetic. She goes above and beyond to help her clients believe in themselves.

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My confidence in finding a position that I could see myself being both truly happy and satisfied with went from a 2/10 to an 8/10 in just one session!


Michelle was an incredible coach. She not only helped me develop my resume, but she ensured I understood how to tailor my resume and cover letter to fit any job application I am interested in.

Membership Pricing

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Monthly career workshop and a group coaching session plus all access

to career resource library and a private Facebook community of ambitious women!

Cost: $44/Month

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Classic package, monthly one-hour private coaching, and an exclusive group session for Bold/Ignite members only.

Cost: $222/Month

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Ignite package, plus an

extra one-hour coaching call (2 per month total) and additional support through text and voice notes in between sessions using Voxer.

Cost: $444/Month



Be a part of a Facebook community of ambitious women on Facebook. Share experiences, exchange ideas and foster career-building connections.

rESOURCE Library

Get access to our comprehensive library filled with guides, tools, and tips to help you navigate your career journey.

wORKSHOPs & Group coaching Calls

Each month, join me on Zoom for a career workshop and open Q/A!

your questions?

Do I need to be COMMITTED for a set membership duration?

There is no time commitment, you can cancel at any time. Please note that refunds are not available. Therefore, ensure to cancel your subscription prior to the start of the next monthly billing period.

What if I can’t make it to the Monthly workshop?

The session will be recorded and I'll share the link in our Facebook group. If any questions pop up after you've viewed the recording, don't hesitate to post them on our group page.

What is Voxer Coaching?

The Voxer app, which is part of our Bold package, allows you to send me both voice and text messages. It's a great tool for you to shoot me any questions as they arise. I make sure to respond within 24 hours from Monday to Friday, between 9 am and 4 pm.


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When you secure your spot with our Ignite or Bold membership pay for 3 months up front, you will get a complimentary resume revamp valued at $444 CAD!

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SEE YOU INSIDE Magnetize Your Career!

- Michelle